SC-34060 Meridian 9Kg

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SKU: 000116340601 Category: Brand:


Meridian is an all natural oolitic (spherical or egg shaped) pure aragonite substrate for all reef and marine aquaria. Meridian is the premium aragonite substrate for the reef aquaria. It’s grain size is highly uniform (0.25 0.50 mm) and is ideally suited to reef inhabitants. It’s chemical composition will assist in stabilizing calcium and alkalinity while preventing large pH declines. Unlike competing wet gravels, Meridian is sold dry: this bag contains 35% more gravel than a bag of wet gravel of equal weight. These wet gravels are marketed to give one the impression that they contain living, microscopic animals when in fact they only contain common bacteria. Dry or wet, there are bacteria on every substrate. If one is concerned with shortening the aquarium cycle time for a new system, then the use of a product designed for that particular purpose would be more appropriate (such as Seachem’s Stability).